At Business Launchpad we pride ourselves on how engaging we are when working with our young people, we expect all our in-house, freelance, and volunteer facilitators to understand and implement our style when facilitating.

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Before you start planning, make sure you have a good understanding of the group you’re working with. Are they high school students, college students, or young professionals? What are their interests and concerns? This will help you to tailor your content to their needs.

Make sure the topic of the workshop is something they can relate to and will find beneficial. For instance, workshops on personal finance, career planning, self-improvement, entrepreneurship, climate change, or social justice might resonate well with this age group.

Young people are tech-savvy and expect to use technology in all aspects of their lives. Use this to your advantage by incorporating multimedia presentations, online polls, or digital breakout rooms. You can also make use of social media for communication and follow-up discussions.

Avoid lecture-style presentations. Instead, make your workshops interactive and hands-on. Use group activities, case studies, role-playing, games, and other participatory methods to keep the participants engaged.

Facilitate opportunities for participants to learn from each other. This could be through group work, peer presentations, or debate and discussion sessions.

If possible, invite guest speakers who are successful and inspirational figures in the relevant field. This can provide real-world insights and a unique perspective that you may not be able to offer.

Mix up your teaching methods to keep things fresh. For example, use a combination of presentations, videos, group discussions, individual tasks, and interactive games.

Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives. Encourage active participation and ensure that everyone’s voice is heard.

Each session should provide participants with tangible skills or knowledge they can apply in their daily lives. This could be a tool, a strategy, an action plan, or a list of resources.

At the end of the workshop, ask for feedback from the participants. What did they find most beneficial? What could be improved? Use this feedback to refine and improve future workshops.

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